Vedamantra Parichaya Part 3 by Shatavadhani Dr.R.Ganesh

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3 Responses to Vedamantra Parichaya Part 3 by Shatavadhani Dr.R.Ganesh

  1. ambaramamurthy

    Our Salutations & many thanks to Spiritual Bangalore.This is really helping aged &also youngsters who are unable to make it to the venue.A very deep & abridged form of scholarly speech. We are so fortunate have Dr.R.Ganesh in our city.He is accomadative & generous in giving these meanings.Thnks to the Almighty.

    With Warm Regards to one and all,


  2. Padmanabha Sharma

    Where can i find other parts of this album Vedamantra Parichaya Part 3 by Shatavadhani Dr.R.Ganesh.

  3. admin

    All the parts have been uploaded in the site..

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