Satsanga from Ramayana Prasarana Kendra with Pujya Swami Harshanandaji Maharaj, President, Ramakrishna Math, Bangalore
There will be a “Satsanga” and “Book release” of “DHARMA RAKSHAKARU”(A inspiring story of Jatayu and Sampati) by the revered Swami Harshananda Maharaj.
Venue : Pratibha Shikshana Kendra
No.9, 18 Main, Near BDA Complex, BSK 2 Stage,
Date    : 27/2/2011
Time  :  10:30AM
Please join the Satsanga with your family get blessed by SitaRamanjaneya.
Note : On the release day, the book will be sold at subsidized price. (Original price Rs.30. Event day it will be sold at Rs.20)