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Indrajeet Is Killed – Ramayana

Monday, April 11th, 2011

Rama had sent Laxmana to face Indrajeet to make the Brahmastra ineffective. Laxmana alone was capable of sustaining its impact; any other person was sure to die. As that missile could be used only once, Indrajeet became helpless. Now Rama decided to come in picture.
Next day, Indrajeet came to fight with Rama. The clash of …

The Final Battle – Ramayana

Monday, April 11th, 2011

Now Ravana decided to put an end to the war. He went to the temple of his chosen deity -Lord Shiva, and prayed and meditated for whole night. There was grace and serenity on the face of Ravana. Next day he was to fight with the Master of Universe Himself. He knew his death was …

“Fire Test” For Sita – Ramayana

Monday, April 11th, 2011

Without wasting any more time, eager to meet Sita, Rama (with his company) reached Ashokvan. Sita had heard about the battle between Rama and Ravana, and was expectantly waiting for victorious Rama to reach her. Joyous end to her suffering and grief was in sight. The sorrow was to be replaced with the joy of …

Return to Ayodhya – Ramayana

Monday, April 11th, 2011

As Rama, Laxmana, and Sita preapared to return to Ayodhya, there was joyous shouts of Victory to Rama, Veer Hanuman ki Jai — Victory to Hanuman. Gods from the Heaven poured flowers and garlands to celebrate and show their pleasure. A Divine Air Plane — Pushpaka — was sent for Rama and his company so …

End Of The Ramayana Story

Monday, April 11th, 2011

Story of Rama should end here. A happy ending.
But because of some inexplicable reasons this does not happen! The story continues to its most tragic end. As if the trials and tribulations – suffering of Sita was not enough, a new and queer situation develops. I am not inclined to proceed further, but as is …

Dharmavyadha – Mahabharata

Monday, April 11th, 2011

Many years ago, there lived a Brahmin by the name Kaushika. He was the only son of his parents. He was very inclined to spiritual studies. He wanted to study Vedas & gain spiritual powers.
So he told his parents about his wish to leave for the jungle, where he would devote …

Learning Humility from Bayazid al-Bistami – A Sufi Story

Wednesday, March 16th, 2011

There was a certain ascetic who was one of the great saints of Bestam. He had his own followers and admirers, and at the same time he was never absent from the circle of Bayazid al-Bistami (or Abu Yazid al-Bistami). He listened to all his discourses, and sat with his companions.
One day he remarked to …

Krishna, the Widow and Her Cow

Wednesday, February 9th, 2011

Sometimes when we are in utter difficulty, the Grace of God acts in a very
peculiar way. We feel that God becomes more cruel when we are in difficulties
and sufferings. Let me illustrate this to you with a story. Sri Krishna and
Arjuna once were guests of a widow. The widow had no children, nobody. She
was all …

Once You Realise God, All The Cosmic Gods Become Yours

Wednesday, February 9th, 2011

There was once a great seeker whose name was Gyandas. A few times he had experienced a vision of his family’s presiding deity, and this made him very happy.
One day Gyandas and a group of seekers were praying together at the banks of the River Narmada. After some time a spiritual …

It Is My Poverty-Life That Has Kept Me Spiritual

Wednesday, February 9th, 2011

There was once a great Sanskrit scholar who specialised in logic. He lived a very simple life, and he did not care for money. His wife was also very simple. Both of them were very simple, pure and kind-hearted.
Because he was such a great scholar, everybody had great admiration for him. …