Amazing Life incidents of Swami Vivekananda

Tuesday, January 25th, 2011
Amazing Life incidents of Swami Vivekananda

Swamiji(Swami Vivekananda) lived the ideal of fearlessness even as a small child. When he was barely 8 years old.He used to visit a friend of his,whose family had a Champaka tree in their compound. The Champaka flowers are said to be liked by Shiva and were incidentally a favorite of Swamiji’s too. This was Swamiji […]

Santa Shreshta Sadasiva Bramhendra and his miracles

Friday, January 14th, 2011
Santa Shreshta Sadasiva Bramhendra and his miracles

Sivaramakrishnan who later came to be known as Sadasiva Brahmendra, was born in the family of “Moksham Somasundarar” at Tiruvisanallur. Exact details about his date of birth etc are lacking; as he was contemporary of Sri Bodhendra Swamigal and Sri Ayyaval, his time is presumed to be between mid 17th century and mid 18th century. […]

ALVARS and their works(Tiruppavai)

Saturday, December 11th, 2010
ALVARS and their works(Tiruppavai)

Alvars(˜those who are immersed in the love of Godâ) SriVaisnavism, the religion and Vishistadvaita, its philosophy, are of hoary antiquity. If the philosophy is traced to the Upanishads, the religion is traced to Narayana Himself. However, this religion is rooted to Bhagavatam, Narayaniya section of Mahabharata, Visnu Purana and Pancharatra. The Alvars are important, even […]

Trailinga Swami(Ganapati Swami) – A Great Avadhuta

Tuesday, November 23rd, 2010
Trailinga Swami(Ganapati Swami) - A Great Avadhuta

Trailinga Swami was a great Hindu yogi famed for his spiritual powers who stayed most of his life in Varanasi(Kashi). He lived for a longer period of around 280 years.He is regarded as an incarnation of god Shiva, and Ramakrishna, a contemporary Bengali saint referred to him as the “The walking Shiva of Varanasi”. In […]

Kanakadasa jayanthi

Sunday, November 7th, 2010
Kanakadasa jayanthi

We wish all our readers a very happy Kanakadasa jayanthi Kanaka Nayaka being of the warrior community, his defeat in the field of battle, directed him to the path of devotion. He came to be called Kanaka Nayaka by the people as they found a treasure-trove of gold. Kanaka Dasa was well educated and capable […]

Vishwa Guru Basavanna

Thursday, May 20th, 2010
Vishwa Guru Basavanna

Basaveshwara) or Basavanna (1134–1196 A.D) was a philosopher and a social reformer. He fought against practice of caste system and rituals in Hinduism. He is also called as “Vishwa-guru”. His teachings and preachings go beyond all boundaries and are universal and eternal. He was a great humanitarian. Basava advocated a new way of life wherein the divine […]

Biography on Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu

Thursday, May 6th, 2010
Biography on Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu

Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu [pronounced Chaitanya] (February 27,1486 to 1534 A.D.) was born in Navadvipa, Bengal, on a full moon night during a lunar eclipse. It is typical for people to bathe in the Ganges during an eclipse and chant the Lord’s holy names for spiritual purification. So, everyone in the area was chanting the holy […]

Biography on Sri Ramana Maharishi

Wednesday, April 14th, 2010
Biography on Sri Ramana Maharishi

In 1896 a sixteen-year-old schoolboy walked out on his family and, driven by an inner compulsion, slowly made his way to Arunachala, a holy mountain and pilgrimage centre in South India. On his arrival he threw away all his money and possessions and abandoned himself to a newly-discovered awareness that his real nature was formless, […]