Atma Darshan Yogashram

Area : Kumaraswamy Layout
Address : Dayananda sagar College road, Kumaraswamy Layout, Bangalore
Pincode : 560078
Contact No. : 080-26664016
Website :
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Hari Om, and welcome to ATMA DARSHAN YOGASHRAM (ADY), an ashram which specialises in a unique and what has now become a widely popular system of yoga – Satyananda Yoga – named after Paramahamsa Satyananda, who founded the Bihar School of Yoga in 1964.

Satyananda Yoga which is now also known as Bihar Yoga, soon emerged as one among the foremost systems of yoga. And with it mushroomed several yoga ashrams in India, Australia and Europe. In course of time, an outstanding system of yoga primarily based on Ashtanga Yoga of Rishi Patanjali evolved. The techniques taught are a synthesis of many approaches to personal development based on traditional vedanta, tantra and yoga. These systems and techniques are now a benchmark in the network of Satyananda ashrams the world over. And in the world’s first Yoga University of the modern times, Bihar Yoga Bharati (presently under course restructuring). Simultaneously an excellent range of yoga books came out of Bihar School of Yoga, to serve as text books at teaching ashrams, institutions and yoga clinics.

As the southern branch of Bihar School of Yoga, ADY is linked to one of the great yogic and spiritual lineages, beginning from Swami Sivananda of Rishikesh, and directly to his disciple Swami Satyananda Saraswati. Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati, the chief disciple of Sw. Satyananda, is now the Paramacharya of Bihar School of Yoga.

ADY was established in Bangalore in 1979. It is managed by a local board of trustees. Yogic teaching, therapies and counseling are conducted by teachers trained at Bihar School of Yoga and Bihar Yoga Bharati. The facilities at ADY are available to all regardless of religion, belief, caste, age, sex and nationality.

4 Responses to Atma Darshan Yogashram

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  2. Amitava Banerjee

    I wish to see the Atma Darshan Yogasham,Bangalore. Kindly let me know the timings and convenient route from White Field,Kathgudi area to visit the ashram.

  3. Anjana

    Need to know the timings and amount i need to reeduce weight.

    Anjana J


    I was few time in Atma Darshan Yogashram in BANGALORE. In juli/august 2007 (and other time) when I recived KARMA SANYASA from GURU SW.NIRANJANANDA.
    Some people from Pula, Croatia who are learning SATYANANDA YOGA, need to come in India in december 2013.
    They will stey in BANGALORE 3-4 days. How much will be the accomodation per night and per persson in ADY ashram. If is possible?

    Thank you

    Sn.Nivedita – Nevenka Dobrila

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