Abhinandana Samaroha Felicitation ceremony , Krishna Temple-Malleswaram

Area : Malleswaram
Address : Sri Venugopalaswamy Temple
Pincode : 560 003

Abhinandana Samaroha
Felicitation ceremony

It gives us immense pleasure to invite you for the felicitation ceremony of
”Sudarsans Sreeman” S.Venkatesa Iyengar Swami
Founder: Sri Sudarsana Yagna Samithi
In appreciation of successful completion of his noble mission of conducting more than 1008 Sri Sudarsana Yagnas around the World including Kailash Manasarovar Kshetra.

Date: 5th september 2010-08-2010
Time: 9.30 AM to 11. 30 AM
Venue: Sri Venugopala Krishna Temple, 11th Cross Malleswaram, Bangalore 560 003

Kindly make it convenience to attend and grace the occassion

Organized by
Orchids Travel & Tours Basavangudi Bangalore
Cosmic Vision ,Padmanabhanagar Bangalore

9.30 AM : Lighting of Deepam & Prayer
9.35 AM : Welcome address
9.40. AM : Speech by guests
10.00AM : Speech by Manasarovar Yatra participants.
10.30AM : Felicitation to Sri Venkatesa Iyengar Swami
By our Chief Guest, Sri U.Ve, Sriman Tiru Swami
10.45 AM: Speech by Chief Guest
11.15 AM: Vote of thanks
11.30 AM: Manasarovar Teertha & Yagnaprasada distribution
12. Noon : Lunch

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