175th Bhagavan ShriRamaKrishna’s Vardhanti Mahotsav at Ramakrishna Math

ShriRamaKrishna’s Vardhanti Mahotsav will be celebrated at RamaKrishna Math on 22nd and 23rd October 2011, as per the programme given below. You along with your relatives and friends are cordially invited to participate and receive the blessings of the ShriRamakrishna.


22nd Oct 2011 Saturday


Guest: Swami Jitakamanandji Maharaj

Aarati and Bhajana at 5.30pm

Welcome Speech at 6.05pm

Speech 1 at 6.15pm by Shrimati Aarati

Speech 2 at 6.55pm by Shri Chakravarti Soolibe

Guest Speech 7.35pm

Vandanarpane at 8.15pm

23rd Oct 2011

Guest:Swami Jitakamanandji Maharaj

Aarati and Bhajana at 5.30pm

Welcome Speech at 6.05pm

Speech 1 at 6.15pm by Shri S.S Ramesh

Speech 2 at 6.55pm by Saragooru Ramesh

Guest Speech 7.35pm

Vandanarpane at 8.15pm

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